So, what traits do the best beta readers have? You want someone who:
- fits within your target audience
- can convey constructive, honest feedback in an empathetic way
- is objective
- is a consistent, well-rounded reader in your genre
- is a writer or editor themselves, so they understand your challenges
- has a clear understanding of what makes a book "good"
- will focus on the important details, and not the nitpicky ones
What I look for when I beta read:
- A strong beginning to the story
- Flat or awkward dialogue
- Pacing issues and lack of tension
- The story meets genre expectations but is original (because we want it all!)
- Inconsistency in details, plot holes, and errors
- Good character development
- Narrative arc
- A satisfying conclusion
- An overabundance of copyediting or proofreading issues
Beta Reading
What’s the difference between beta reading and the editing services you offer?
In short, beta readers read your manuscript from a reader's perspective, rather than an editor's. They won’t delve into your manuscript looking for errors. Instead, they will focus on how well you convey your story to your reader. You'll want to engage beta readers before you self-publish or start sending query letters.
TIP: If you are looking for feedback about something specific, make sure you let your beta readers know. Otherwise, you'll get a lot of generic information that may or may not be helpful to you.

Beta Reading Packages
Are you ready for beta reading that's a step above the usual? All of my feedback will stem from my experience and understanding of what it takes to write books about mystery or magic, in their many subgenres*. I include follow-up consultations in each package to allow you the opportunity to ask questions about the feedback that I provide.
*NOTE: I don't read novels with extreme violence, torture, or abuse. Not sure if your novel falls within one of these? Contact me!
Package Includes:
- A review of the complete manuscript.
- I include inline comments on your manuscript and a comprehensive reader's report.
- 30 minutes of follow-up coaching time via phone or virtual meeting. Time can be broken up into multiple sessions.
- Up to 50,000 words - $60 with delivery in 7 days
- Up to 75,000 words - $90 with delivery in 14 days
- Up to 100,000 words - $120 with delivery in 21 days
- NOTE: Faster delivery times and longer novels may be accommodated with additional fees. Please contact me for information.
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King
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